Toothache: An Overview
Toothache is a common dental problem characterized by pain in or around a tooth. It can range from mild discomfort to severe pain and may be constant or intermittent. The primary causes include cavities, gum infections, tooth fractures, exposed tooth roots, or an abscess. Other factors like sinus infections, bruxism (teeth grinding), or impacted wisdom teeth can also lead to tooth pain.
Symptoms of toothache may include sharp or throbbing pain, sensitivity to hot or cold foods, swelling around the affected area, and difficulty chewing. In severe cases, fever and headache may accompany the pain, indicating an infection that requires immediate attention.
Diagnosis involves a dental examination, X-rays, and evaluation of symptoms. Treatment depends on the cause and may include fillings, root canal therapy, extractions, or antibiotics for infections. Over-the-counter pain relievers, cold compresses, and saltwater rinses can provide temporary relief.
Preventive measures include maintaining good oral hygiene, brushing and flossing regularly, limiting sugary foods, and visiting the dentist for routine check-ups. Early treatment of dental issues helps prevent complications and ensures overall oral health. Seeking prompt dental care for persistent toothache is essential to avoid further damage and discomfort.